Six Little Ducks

Six Little Ducks

Documenting the animals of Ranger Den, nature and wildlife.

Watch our Easter ducklings hatch.

The rangers initial plan was to incubate, hatch and rear native British Ducks for visitors to enjoy, but due to Covid guidance and the park being closed, Ranger Mike took the duck eggs home and is now the proud father of six rather cute (if we do say so ourselves) little ducklings.

Ranger Mike documented and showcased these fantastic animals by providing regular updates on their progress and the pitfalls of raising six needy ducklings.

    • Ducklings Hatch.

      In this first video watch as one of the ducklings hatches and enters the world, all under the watchful eye of Ranger Mike

    • Ducklings Feeding and Splashing About.

      Watch as the ducklings take their first feed and experience their first taste of water

    • Ducklings First Swim.

      Watch as the ducklings take the plunge and go for their first swim!

    • Ducklings Taste Test.

      Spinach or Apple? Which food do you think the ducklings prefer.