Moors Valley Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) answered.

Can I pre-book? 

You can pre-book activities such as Go Ape, Nets Adventure and Segways directly on the Go Ape website, or by calling 01603 895500. Golf and activity sessions can be pre-booked online or by calling the booking line on 01425 479776

Laser Tag in the forest can be booked online, great for birthday parties and team activities.

We don’t offer a pre-booking option for parking or cycle hire. We advise arriving either before 10am or after 2pm where possible as it’s normally less busy. 

Can I hold my own event at Moors Valley?

Guidance for Event Organisers

If you would like to enquire about using Moors Valley Country Park and Forest for a private or public event or activity we hope that the following information will help you consider whether Moors Valley is the best venue for your event and to better understand our priorities and permission process.

Moors Valley is jointly owned and managed by Dorset Council and Forestry England, working closely with a number of onsite concessions. All event permissions are considered on an individual basis; including, but not limited to, fun runs, sponsored walks and family fun days. Due to the negative environmental impact balloon releases and glitter will not be permitted.

Typically, car parking charges will apply to all event participants.
Event charges can be also made for permissions granted and these will be explained on an individual basis.

Please look through the information below and follow the steps outlined when making your enquiry.

Step one

Whilst every effort will be made to approve permissions, applications that directly impact on Moors Valley’s core business or are considered to have a negative effect on wildlife, visitors or core facilities will not be considered. As an event organiser you should consider what impact your proposed activity will have on the local landscape, wildlife, visitors and core facilities at Moors Valley.
You might like to think about:
•    The number of participants, spectators and vehicles
•    Time of year and time of day
•    Is your proposal in keeping with the environment?
•    What effect might your proposal have on the car park, verges, tracks and wildlife?
•    What effect might your proposal have on the Park’s general visitors, concessions and community-focused events?
•    Have you left enough time to plan and coordinate your proposal?

Step two

Fill out the basic permission enquiry form and email it to rangers@moors-valley.co.uk
Please be as accurate as possible on the location of your proposed activity to ensure the enquiry is passed to the correct team.  If you are not sure, please don’t worry, the rangers can help you further with this.

Step three

Either the Dorset Council or Forestry England Ranger Team (or a representative for both) will contact you with feedback on your basic permission enquiry.
If initial discussions are favourable you will be instructed to complete the formal permission process. A formal permission process and form exist for both Dorset Council and Forestry England land and for some activities, there will be a need to complete both.

How do I book self-led group visits?

Moors Valley welcomes back minibus and coach parking for schools and groups taking part in educational and pre-booked activities.

When: Monday to Friday, term time only.
Who: Schools and groups visiting the park for educational and pre-booked activities.
Visit type: Ranger-led, instructor-led or pre-booked activities, such as Go Ape or accessible cycling.
Booking essential: Please call 01425 470721 prior to your visit to book your minibus parking. Groups taking part in Ranger-led education do not need to pay for parking, but minibuses must still be booked in for the day. After booking please read the additional information for group leaders.


  • Please be aware facilities such as the toilets and play areas can become very busy at peak times throughout the day.
  • Many school groups have found it beneficial to wear identifiable clothing e.g. school sunhats, not only for sun protection but to enable quick recognition at busy times.
  • On arrival one member of your group should visit the Information Point, within the Visitor Centre, to confirm their arrival and to have their parking validated for the day.

Can I bring a dog to Moors Valley? 

Dogs are welcome to visit Moors Valley but must be under close control at all times and in many areas must be kept on a lead. Dogs are not permitted in either of the Play Areas near the Visitor Centre. A dog park is provided at the entrance to the Junior Play Area.  Please come along prepared to clear up after your dog – dog waste bins are located in multiple locations. Check out our dog page to find out more.

Is there a cash point at Moors Valley?

No. However, our parking pay stations and all outlets will accept payment by cards and contactless devices.

Can I bring a barbecue (BBQ)?

To protect the forest and wildlife, open flames, including, but not limited to BBQs, camping stoves, pizza ovens and fires are not permitted at Moors Valley.

Can I put up a gazebo or tent at Moors Valley?

Gazebos and tents are not permitted at Moors Valley. Structures like gazebos and tents, when caught by sudden wind gusts, can cause accidents, injure visitors and wildlife, and damage the natural environment of the park and forest.

For your comfort on sunny days, we offer shaded picnic benches in the forest picnic area near the Gruffalo Sculptures.

Are there baby changing facilities at Moors Valley?

Yes. There are cubicles with baby changing facilities within both the ladies and gents toilets. There is also a separate large cubicle with baby changing facilities. 

Is there public WIFI at Moors Valley? 

Yes, in the Visitor Centre and rear patio area. Please ask a ranger for details to enable you to connect to the Dorset-Council-Public network.

Can I feed the swans? 

We don’t advise feeding the swans unless the weather is particularly cold and icy as swans normally find enough food in the wild without needing supplementary feeding. If you do feed them, we ask you only to do so when they’re in the water. If you feed them when they’re out of the water this can encourage them to venture into the picnic area and to chase. Find out more about swans on the RSPB website.

Can I get to Moors Valley using public transport?

To work out the best route for you, please use Google Maps or a similar route planning tool to see what public transport may be available.

Can I visit Moors Valley in a campervan or motorhome?

Yes, you can. Our car park does not have height restrictions, therefore high vehicles are able to access parking. Any vehicle with less than 13 seats is classed as a car for vehicle charges. During busy times car park attendants direct vehicles to the most suitable space for their vehicle type and size. We also have a coach park area for particularly large vehicles. 

Vehicles, including campervans and motorhomes, are not permitted to stay on-site overnight. 

Can Moors Valley provide memorial features in memory of a lost loved one?

Yes, we offer a range of memorial options including benches. Please email  rangers@moors-valley.co.uk or call  01425 470721 for more information. 

Can I camp at Moors Valley? 

There is no camping permitted at Moors Valley. However, there are camping and caravan sites nearby. Please contact the local Tourist Information Centres  for details. 

If you’re visiting the area and would like details of other attractions in the area, we recommend you take a look through the Visit  Dorset website.


Can I fly a drone at Moors Valley?

No, for safety and privacy reasons the use of flying objects such as drones is prohibited within Moors Valley Country Park and Forest.


Can I hire the facilities at Moors Valley?

Yes. Please see the Celebrations page for details about hiring the Barn facilities.


Why are there no general waste bins at Moors Valley?

Please help us to keep Moors Valley a tidy place for people and a safe place for animals by being responsible for your own rubbish. 

The Restaurant and kiosks will happily take back any rubbish from items purchased on-site. However, if you bring items to enjoy at Moors Valley we ask you to take the rubbish back home with you.

There are a number of reasons for this. Bins, however often they are emptied, often smell and attract wasps and flies; squirrels, foxes, badgers and rodents. The wildlife would be attracted to the bins and could eat inappropriate food or packaging material.

What happens if we have an accident? 

In the event of an emergency please call 999. To alert a ranger of an accident please call the Visitor Centre on 01425 470721 between 9am – 4.30pm.

Please remember, this is an area of countryside and a working forest; there are lakes, rivers and ponds, uneven footpaths, people and machinery at work.

Please stay on the footpaths, obey all warning and diversion signs and keep those in your care close to you. Surfaces can be slippery, especially when wet and icy.

Health risks in the countryside 

Adders live in and around the park and forest. If you are very lucky you may see one, but they will normally hear you first and hide 

Ticks are present across the park and forest, at the end of your visit all group members should brush themselves off and check for any ticks 

If any ticks are found it is important they are removed correctly as this will reduce the chance of infection 

We advise visiting your local minor injuries unit if you have any concerns.

Click to find out more about ticks.

If you or a member of your group require help please go to the Visitor Centre or call 01425 470721.  

If you call an ambulance please contact the Visitor Centre on 01425 470721 so we can direct the ambulance to you. 

How do I book Go Ape? 

The best way to book a Go Ape activity at Moors Valley is through the Go Ape website. Go Ape bookings can also be made by telephone, please call 01603 895500.

How old does my child need to be to do Go Ape? 

For the Go Ape Treetop Adventure high ropes course there is no minimum age, participants must be over 1 metre tall. For Treetop Adventure Plus participants must be 6 years and over 1.2 metres tall, and for Treetop Challenge there is no minimum age, but participants must be at least 1.4 metres tall.

For Go Ape Nets Adventure the minimum age for participants is 1 year and able to walk unaided. For Forest Segways there is no minimum age, but participants must be between 7 stone and 18.4 stone.

Children under 16 years require adult supervision on all Go Ape activities, for some activities and for children under 6 years the supervising adult must also participate. More information can be found on the Go Ape website.

If you have any other questions that you can’t find the answer to on our website, please e-mail rangers@moors-valley.co.uk or phone 01425 470721 between 9am and 4.30pm.